Nalme Dei-ijla

Great wannabe princess of the kingdom of delusions of grandeur. Or so she hopes you'll think.
(Tw in History for animal death, blood, abuse mention, implied non-con.)


Now in the world outside of her homeland, Nalme seeks a place of belonging. She wishes for a group of women to dote on her-- telling her she’s beautiful, talented, and kind. However, in seeking this, she has become bratty and egotistical. She loudly states that the women of her home always called her the most beautiful woman to have been born in the last two decades and the smartest little woman in the village. However, she keeps the bratty comments to a minimum around women and instead sneaks them what she can-- treats, trinkets, kind words of affection. Around men, the bratty comments become even louder-- and she tends to try to boss them around, assuming that if she is loud enough, they will listen and do as she pleases.If a man or woman scolds her, she melts, becoming quiet and tearful. She’ll often throw a fit, or even run away from the situation at hand.A deep desire she hides is love-- romantic love. Something like the stories of princes and princesses. She assumes that acting like a spoiled princess may just earn her that-- so she keeps the attitude on at all times.Many things that Nalme does are all for the sake of being more attractive to others. She wishes desperately for love of all kinds along with admiration. She plays music. She dances. She sings. All to seem more desirable and attractive.Recent developments:
Deep underneath her lying and acting, she feels empty, knowing that the only experiences with "romance" that she's ever had were false. They always ended with her being hurt, confused, or fearing for her life. Despite knowing it's unhealthy for her, she's prone to getting wrapped up in abusive relationships. She's hesitant now when a man approaches her romantically, worried that he will be the same as the others.


Nalme was spoiled from birth. Her mother, Delri, always told her she was beautiful-- and the other mothers who lived near her home doted on her, complimenting her looks above all else. Nalme showed interest in archery at a young age-- first playing with a little bow made of twine and a small tree branch that one of the other mother’s set up for her. She made little arrows of sharpened twigs with a notch in the back-- none that flew too well, but would fly just enough of a distance to dig into the soft soil of the jungle floor near their home.Her own mother gifted her with a bow and arrow on her eighth birthday, pleased that she had a daughter that was not only beautiful, but seemed to show desire to protect the forest. The same day she received the bow, she ran behind her home deep into the thick jungle to practice her aim. Her aim was still shaky, still being a novice, and thus, when she shot her first arrow, she struck a bird. She remembers beginning to cry immediately, knowing she’d be in trouble. She thought she might be able to save the small bird, but upon inspection of it, she found it to be dead.Nalme retrieved her arrow and used it to dig a small grave for the bird, placing it in, burying it, and crying over it. She took her arrow to a stream, washing the blood off of it. Feeling as though she couldn’t return home now that she’d hurt a creature her people usually fought to protect, she ran, trying her best to avoid being spotted by the other women who might report back to her mother.As Nalme ran, she grew breathless, glancing all around her to ensure she was not being followed, failing to notice the obstacles before her. The girl tripped over a bit of uncleared underbrush-- clearly an area the women had not cleared out yet. She hit the ground hard, receiving several scrapes on her hands and knees. She panicked. She’d never seen herself bleed before, always being told by the other women to never run and being scooped up and doted on when she was being a little too rambunctious. She knew this was the first time any of the women would be disappointed in her.As she cried, she heard a rustling, and out from the trees stepped a man-- a male Viera-- and the first man Nalme had ever seen. She wasn’t frightened of him-- she was mystified. She found him to be incredibly handsome-- like a prince in the stories she’d heard from brave women of her clan that had ventured to the outside world-- lands where men were much more frequently seen-- and in abundance.All Nalme knew was that she was infatuated all at once.The male frowned at her, reaching down to pick her up. He held her under one arm and took her home, saying nothing as he carried her back, despite Nalme’s protests and pleading for him to answer questions about himself such as his name or what it was like further into the jungle. A few women recognized Nalme, running to collect her from the man and bring her back home to Delri. Despite the kindness he had shown by bringing her home and the infatuation she felt with his looks, Nalme felt betrayed-- and frustrated that he hadn’t spoken to her or doted on her. After all, he’d simply carried her like a bundle of sticks.Nalme decided she didn’t like men-- and any that she met in the future would listen to her.She never told her mother about the bird-- but from then on, showed an extreme disinterest in the forest. She never wanted to help anyone care for it-- she simply wanted praise. She’d do just enough to be praised by her mother and other women, but then go home and do things like read or draw. She kept herself very clean, refusing to have a speck of dirt on her and throwing a fit when she became dirty from doing work outside. This earned her the nickname of “little princess” from the women around her-- though they tended to find it more charming than anything else.Her disconnect from the woods grew as her guilt about the bird remained. Once she reached adulthood, she bid farewell to her mother, claiming she could not love the woods as the others did. It was a claim that deeply wounded her mother, though her mother feared she would say it louder and Nalme would become a target of the other vieras’ anger). Nalme stated she wished to explore the world outside of the jungle. Her mother tearfully gave her a goodbye, praying Nalme would miss the jungle and soon wish to return.[TW BELOW FOR ABUSE AND IMPLIED NON-CON]Life in the city was a whirlwind for Nalme. There were so many people who looked so different from her. And even more shocking was the amount of men. She found herself overwhelmed by the new possibilities-- and further overwhelmed by the new relationships. She found that others were considerably less friendly than she anticipated. With only a small amount of gil, the clothes on her back, and her bow to her name, she found herself without a place to stay.After several days of living on the street and begging for food, she was approached by a man. This man was so incredibly charming-- someone that made her heart flutter at the mere sight of him. After sometime of speaking, he invited her into his home where he allowed her to bathe and sleep. The first few days seemed comfortable. He was flirtatious towards her-- something she revelled in. After all, she wondered what a princess was without a prince to love her. The stories always had a prince to love the princess.Over the days, the man became more physical with Nalme-- and considerably more possessive. He didn’t allow her to speak to others and hardly allowed her to leave the home. Things escalated until one night, when Nalme protested about not being allowed to leave, he attacked her. Nalme was left bruised and beaten. As much as it hurt, she was left confused and heartbroken. But the man told her that it was what happened-- it was what happened when princesses married princes. It was what happened after the storybooks ended. And she believed him.The abuse became more severe when Nalme didn’t listen or follow directions just as he wanted. This led to different kinds of abuse-- ones Nalme doesn’t dare talk about, having come to the realization that maybe-- just maybe that wasn’t how things were supposed to be. After a night where the man forced himself on Nalme, she made up her mind to run. When he left the next morning, she broke the lock on the door, knowing he’d locked it to keep her inside.Then she ran.Since then, she keeps up her princess act, though is considerably more nervous-- especially when someone approaches her romantically or seems to call her out on her lies. She feels ashamed of her previous relationship with the man-- and also worries that will not be the last time she sees him.

Recent updates, Tw for Violence/gore/bruising/trauma below/other triggering subjects:Nalme doesn't have a single gil to her name. As such, she'd taken up dancing for gil, feeling she had little other to offer up for pay. While this kept her fed and with enough gil for an inn room most nights, she soon became focused elsewhere-- purchasing a home for a friend who did not have one. She began to work harder, rising early and going to bed late-- dancing and flirting as much as she could to draw in those willing to give her a tip. She was doing relatively well, having saved a considerable amount by sleeping outside and eating very little.She had been careless. And the man-- the one who kept her prisoner-- found her again. When he saw the outfit Nalme wore while dancing, he was enraged. He grabbed for her wrist, squeezing it hard as he shouted at her in front a crowd.Whore. Slut. Filthy Viera.He stole her earnings. After striking her hard at her left temple, she fell to the ground and he left, saying he'd come back for her. He told her to stay where she was-- to not dare leave that spot until he came back to drag her home. Unfortunately...that was the least severe of his threats. He stated that she was his. That no one could ever love a woman like her. No one except him. He left with her gil.Bloodied and bruised, she ran, sleeping in the woods that night and washing away the blood with water from a small stream.The next day she was back to it-- dancing in another town...though she constantly looked over her shoulder to see if he was there.Nalme now has a small scar at her right temple that is near her hairline. She seems considerably softer and more skittish than she had been.


♥️ Nalme frequently dances and plays music for gil! Maybe your character has seen her around on a nice day...
♥️ Nalme is constantly smoothing her hair or fluffing up her skirt in hopes of looking more appealing. Maybe your character notices and wants to mention it!
♥️ When drunk, Nalme is particularly affectionate and loud! Perhaps your character has seen her in a tavern!
♥️ Nalme is quite terrified of tiny animals...maybe your character once saw her cowering when face to face with a tiny little bird...
♥️ Nalme had a particularly rough patch in Kugane where she spent a lot of time high from somnus use. Perhaps your character saw her during this period looking particularly lost but euphoric.


Likes: Treats and candy, fancy teas, listening to tarot card readings or fortune telling-- especially when it refers to someone’s love life (though she refuses to have hers read), women (especially tall or strong ones), giving fancy gifts, toys intended for children such as stuffed toys, singing, dancing, romance novels, chocobosDislikes: Small animals (she shows disdain for them to hide her fear of hurting them), hard work, dirt and mud, being sweaty or dirty (even the tiniest bit!), men that are too silent or too stern, being scolded by women


Hello! I've been into RP for a while, but I'm very new to FFXIV. I wanted to try a character that is very different from the usual characters I write, thus was born Nalme!Please feel free to call me my character's name during ooc interaction for ease! There's not much to say! I'm a 21+ person who is happily married! I'm looking to make some new writing friends!!Below are some important notes:This is a casual reminder that I'm not looking for an IRL relationship, nor am I attracted to anyone that Nalme is! Nalme may be rude or mean to your character, but please know that none of this is meant OOC!I work kind of a demanding job, so I won't be on every day and weekends are easiest for me if you'd like to plot.In general, I'm open to most ideas for plots! Fighting/gore is fine!Please let me know if you'd ever like to plot or interact with Nalme!


Ferreol Dechamberre


Nalme's relationship with Ferreol began in the rain. She'd gotten caught in a storm and hid beneath a small ledge of rock to keep dry. She was immediately drawn to his looks. She'd never seen an Elezen that looked like him. He was beautiful. After she put on her princess act for him and "demanded" an parasol, he ran off. She cursed herself for her bad behavior, but was surprised when he returned and actually handed her a parasol.He teased her, indulging her in her delusions of royal lineage and even playfully suggesting that he could be her knight. She was invited to his place of work to visit him the following week.With little idea of what a host club was, she clung desperately to the idea of seeing him once again.Nalme was overjoyed upon discovering what a host club was. She loved being doted upon by Ferreol-- complimented, given sweets, given attention...and best of all, she felt comfortable. She felt as though she wasn't in danger of being harmed should she have said anything that displeased him.The two grew close. Nalme disclosed her history of lying, though did not mention her previous relationships. Ferreol shared his history of abuse and suffering-- a long with a few other particular troubles in his life.The more the two spoke, the more infatuated Nalme became with him. Ferreol soon became Nalme's first friend-- and her best one at that. She desperately wanted to take care of all his troubles. Ultimately, she decided to make a mix of herbs to help with his physical ailments and earn enough money to purchase him some property of his own, so he would always have something that was truly his.When she finally decided on making her feelings for him clear, she learned that Ferreol had feelings for someone else.Nalme was crushed.Feeling as though she'd stand no chance to win his affections, she decided she wanted him in her life in any capacity. She remained his best friend, though hopelessly in love with him.She has not clearly expressed her feelings towards him, but they only grow stronger and stronger each time she sees him. He's found her bruised and battered and cared for her every time. He's teased her about her lies and always treated her gently. He's always made sure she had food and a place to stay (whenever he's caught her without neither).Nalme feels it would be selfish to express her feelings for him now that she knows he's interested in someone else, so she simply teases him and dreams of what she thinks might have been...Update: After having a little too much to drink, Nalme blurted out her feelings for Ferreol, stating that she believes she's in love with him. He was kind and said he felt strongly about her, but the two didn't discuss it any further. She made him dinner at the apartment she'd purchased for him and they spent time together with wine and sweets.She intends to continue spending time with him as her friend-- and desperately hopes that he may wish to act on some feelings. ...And that she understands what his feelings are exactly.Further Update: Ferreol proceeded to admit that he felt the same for Nalme. They now live together in a small apartment. He's since stopped working as a host, and instead began to work at a tarot reading shop.

Lordbrush (Mogo)


After a long stint in Kugane due to Nalme wishing to discover the effects of somnus in order to create a medicine to ween Ferreol off of the substance, Nalme spent many, many days under the influence. She happened to come across a Moogle-- one that seemed lost. Lonely. She mistakenly thought he was a baby and was kind to him-- plying him with sweets and candy. After noticing that she seemed particularly...out of it...the Moogle felt a sense of responsibility for the Viera, and proceeded to watch over her and guide her to an inn to sleep until she was sober.After she woke up, Mogo tried to explain to her that he'd never felt at home with his other Moogle tribe and set off to find a place where he could live a life of luxury! She seemed to still be under the effects of the somnus and proceeded to reach out for Mogo. She pet him and mused aloud about how lucky she was to have found such a cute dog. Begrudgingly, Mogo went along with the treatment. He found that as her "dog" she frequently gave him gil and food. She also let him sleep on her soft bed at the inn and bought him nearly anything he showed interest in. Nalme, assuming that this Moogle was indeed her dog, proceeded to name him "Lordbrush".Despite meeting other Moogles, Nalme seems to still believe that Lordbrush is, indeed, a dog. She treats him well, speaks to him, feeds him, and treats him like a friend-- after all, that's what he is. However, she does frequently brush and groom him and insist that he rest on her lap or accompany her places.Lordbrush came along with her back to Gridania once she'd finished her research and now lives with her in her apartment. He is, however, hostile to those who try to correct Nalme about his status as a dog. After all, he assumes as long as he keeps the delusional Viera happy, he'll have a cushy and comfy life-- but he also wants to look out for her well-being and doesn't trust that she will stray away from silly decisions in the future.